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Federal access

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Medicare and Social Security provide a core source of support for persons with disabilities, especially genetic disabilities. Services may be available to you even as a dependent of your parents and can transfer to you as an adult.

Start your search with Social Security to determine eligibility for the disability benefit. Having disability status will allow application for Medicare benefits.

Social Security Administration

The Social Security program provides protection against the loss of earnings due to retirement, death, or disability. The financial operations of this program are handled through the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) trust funds.

Disability benefits

This should be your first stop on your access journey. The Social Security Administration provides financial support, opens the door to other federal programs, and provides an entry into the Medicaid program. This should be your first stop on your access journey. As an individual with a genetic disability the Disability Benefit is available, even though you are under 65 years old.

How to apply

The application process follows a 7-step process that Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income allow you to apply online, by phone, or in person.

SCD disability eligibility

Additional requirements

Medical evidence is essential for disability determination under both the title II and title XVI programs. Each person who files a disability claim is responsible for providing medical evidence showing they have an impairment(s) and the severity of the impairment(s).

Section 107.5

SSA (Social Security Administration) evaluates non-malignant and non-malignant hematological disorders.

Disability and health insurance

There are various options provided if you have received Social Security Disability Insurance and have Medicare or are in a 24-month waiting period before it starts.

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Medicaid and CHIP SCD Report

CMS manages the Medicare program providing healthcare coverage for persons with disabilities. Once you have disability eligibility, your application for Medicare can be processed.

Transition To Be Honest Video Series

Transition TBH is a series of videos where SCD patients, doctors and social workers share their stories and tips for transition. We’ve handpicked our guests to make sure that you get something valuable out of this series.